If one word can sum up the main characteristic of MHA, that word is
“innovation.” Since its inception, MHA has always looked for the most appropriate way to apply the maximum technology on its platform to benefit logistics
With this culture of technological advancement, and believing that information is the most precious asset for any business, and to present this information in a fast and reliable way, in 2003, MHA began to think about how it could transform its WMS (Warehouse Management System), the arMHAzena®, in a tool that facilitated even more access to information, and that was connected not only to a single company or a single distribution or inventory center, but that could be installed anywhere on the planet; that could, through remote access, connect to other automation systems and equipment, such as collectors, printers, stacker cranes and conveyor belts, automation equipment with control intelligence, making information accessible to several people, and in different places.
At the time, MHA still had no idea that its investment in the product would adjust it to the cloud concept (cloud) and Logistics 4.0. However, that is precisely
what happened, making arMHAzena® what it is today, a structured product in a multidisciplinary technological environment, with aspects of governance
over event guidance, the Internet of Things, the ability to exchange information with other systems and equipment, capable of automatically making calls, blocking, and responding decisions, managing, and controlling equipment through the system, in addition to picking the processes of a logistical operation into services, always focused on availability.
Even not anticipating that one day its tool would be included in all these concepts and standards, MHA decided, in that year of 2003, that this was the right path to follow, and invested heavily so that its product was robust and, at the same time, flexible availability of access and communication with other systems and equipment.
Looking to the future, as early as 2005, just two years after all the research and development began, MHA made its vision a reality. The
arMHAzena® platform was already prepared to enter the market in what we now call a cloud platform, framed in the standards and concepts of Logistics 4.0, able to be installed anywhere on the planet and open to multiple connections with other systems or automation equipment, managing multiple distribution centers at the same time, with a single database instance and with rules that advanced beyond the warehouse, connecting the entire supply chain and being part of the Internet of Things concept represented by the acronym IOT, where the MHA platform connects to the network of physical objects transmitting information and commanding executions.
The result? arMHAzena®, the MHA platform for logistics and supply chain management, has been operating for over fifteen years in the cloud, with technological concepts and standards and a multidisciplinary concept that makes Logistics 4.0 happen naturally in the use of the product, in all its instances of control and
management, managing not only the inventory or distribution center, but also carrying out the entire management of the supply chain, tracking the delivery or collection of shipped items, as well as the replenishment process as a whole of the chain such as managing inventories at the point of the order held by third parties, customers or suppliers, approval workflow, retail; connecting people, processes, equipment, decision making, and using several algorithms that evaluate the information processed within the tool and opt for the process adjustment decision making independently.